Privacy Policy

Latest update: 2/7/2023
TweetToImage is a product made by Growzill. We at Growzill know you care about how your personal information is used and shared, and we take your privacy seriously. Please read the following to learn more about our Privacy Policy. By using or accessing the Services in any manner ("Growzill"), you acknowledge that you accept the practices and policies outlined in this Privacy Policy, and you hereby consent that we will collect, use, and share your information in the following ways. The privacy of your data — and it is your data, not ours! — is a big deal to us. We’ll only ever access your account to help you with a problem or squash a software bug. We’ll never open any private of your content ("drafts", "tweets" or "threads") unless you ask us to.
What information we collect and why
We collect various information related to your Twitter account if you sign up or login on Growzill, such as your Twitter user ID, Twitter screen name, and access keys for the Twitter API. Why we collect this: We need these details for our Twitter related services to function, and so that we can use Twitter API functions on your behalf in order to provide our services on your Twitter account. We collect or process certain additional data contained in your Twitter account (which could potentially contain sensitive data) where the functionality our service is providing requires it. This could include your tweets. We only collect this type of data in order to provide a service you've asked us to. We're careful to only hold it for as long as necessary, and the purpose of the apps remains that of letting you write, schedule, and publish tweets. We collect various information about visitors to our website due to our use of common internet technologies such as web server logs. This includes details like the visitor's browser type, language preference, referring site, additional websites requested, and the date and time of each visitor request. We also collect potentially personally-identifying information like Internet Protocol (IP) addresses We collect this information to understand how visitors use our websites, and to monitor and protect the security and stability of our websites. For our in-app purchase flow, we collect related information such as payment amounts, times and currencies to validate and secure payments. We also have a legal obligation to keep certain data e.g. for tax calculation purposes. We don't collect sensitive details such as credit card numbers (these are handled by Stripe, our payment processor). Growzill uses third party services, such as cloud computing providers and customer support software, to provide our services. These are the services:
Growzill also uses standard tools like tracking pixels to run ads campaigns on Twitter: Twitter Ads conversion tracking (Twitter, Inc.) — Twitter Ads conversion tracking is an analytics service provided by Twitter, Inc. that connects data from the Twitter advertising network with actions performed on Our Website. By using our services, you agree to the Twitter Privacy Policy.
We use cookies, pixel tags, local storage, and other similar technologies (collectively referred to as “Cookies”) to recognize you when you visit our public website at tweetoimage.growzill.com (the "Website") and our online software-as-a-service platform including any related APIs provided by us (collectively, “Services”). We use Cookies for several reasons. Some Cookies are required for technical reasons that are essential for our Services to operate and to provide user-requested functionality, while we use other Cookies to embed analytics into our websites, and lastly we use some Cookies for marketing purposes. Here’s a list of the Cookies that we’re using:
  • Custom cookie served by devtweettoimage.growzill.com to know if a visitor is already authenticated, leting them skip the landing page and instead use our software-as-a-service directly.
  • Twitter: As mentioned above already, we use tracking pixels to run ads campaigns on Twitter. Twitter Ads conversion tracking is an analytics service provided by Twitter, Inc. that connects data from the Twitter advertising network with actions performed on Our Website.
Your Rights With Respect to Your Information
You may have heard about the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) in Europe. GDPR gives people under its protection certain rights with respect to their personal information collected by us on the Site. Accordingly, Growzill recognizes and will comply with GDPR and those rights, except as limited by applicable law. The rights under GDPR include:
  • Right of Access. This includes your right to access the personal information we gather about you, and your right to obtain information about the sharing, storage, security and processing of that information.
  • Right to Correction. This is your right to request correction of your personal information.
  • Right to Erasure. This is your right to request, subject to certain limitations under applicable law, that your personal information be erased from our possession (also known as the “Right to be forgotten”). However, if applicable law requires us to comply with your request to delete your information, fulfillment of your request may prevent you from using Growzill and may result in closing your account.
  • Right to Complain. You have the right to make a complaint regarding our handling of your personal information with the appropriate supervisory authority.
  • Right to Restrict Processing. This is your right to request restriction of how and why your personal information is used or processed.
  • Right to Object. This is your right, in certain situations, to object to how or why your personal information is processed.
  • Right to Portability. This is your right to receive the personal information we have about you and the right to transmit it to another party.
  • Right to not be subject to Automated Decision-Making. This is your right to object and prevent any decision that could have a legal, or similarly significant, effect on you from being made solely based on automated processes. This right is limited, however, if the decision is necessary for performance of any contract between you and us, is allowed by applicable European law, or is based on your explicit consent.
Many of these rights can be exercised by signing in and directly updating your account information. If you have questions about exercising these rights or need assistance, please contact us at tweettoimage@growzill.com.
Processors we use
As part of the services we provide, and only to the extent necessary, we may use certain third party processors to process some or all of your personal information. For identification of these processors, and where they are located, please see our external services list mentioned above.
Law enforcement
Growzill won’t hand your data over to law enforcement unless a court order says we have to, and unless we're legally prevented from it, we’ll always inform you when such requests are made.
Security & Encryption
All data is encrypted via SSL/TLS when transmitted from our servers to your browser. The database backups are also encrypted. Data isn’t encrypted while it's live in our database (since it needs to be ready to send to you when you need it), but we go to great lengths to secure your data at rest.
Deleted data
When you cancel your account, we'll ensure that nothing is stored on our servers past 30 days. Anything you delete on your account while it's active will also be purged within 30 days.
Location of Site and Data
This Site is operated in the United States. If you are located in the European Union or elsewhere outside of the United States, please be aware that any information you provide to us will be transferred to the United States. By using our Site, participating in any of our services and/or providing us with your information, you consent to this transfer.
Changes & Questions
Growzill may update this policy once in a blue moon — we’ll notify you about significant changes by emailing the account owner or by placing a prominent notice on our site. You can access, change or delete your personal information at any time by contacting us at tweettoimage@growzill.com.